I cannot understand how people live in this world without knowing Jesus. Everywhere you look there is pain, brokenness, sickness, hurt. It is heavy.
Psalm 68:5 “A father to the fatherless, a defender of the widows, is God.”
The word the Lord has brought me to in those times when this world gets the best of me is, enduring. Enduring when paired with love is an unfailing type of love. The Lord’s love for us is an Enduring Love that won’t let go. It is a love that is better than life itself.
For ministry this past week, my team went to a children’s home. We traveled two hours from the sea side to the mountains of Albania. The Lord’s beauty all throughout Albania truly takes your breath away. This country is an absolute hidden gem and so are its people.
Once we arrived to Gjirokaster, we met Dori, the woman who runs this children’s home. I was immediately in awe with the holy vessel that she is of the Father’s love to these children forsaken by this world. As I listened to her story, tears just fell from my eyes uncontrollably. I do not have enough words when it comes to portray Dori to you. She is a pure reflection of God’s love. She is the kind of person you meet and instantly your Hope is refreshed and ignited. The Lord has used her along with the other wonderful ladies to fight for these children, to create a beautiful home, and most importantly to teach these children of the Father’s love for each of them. His Love is enduring. His Love is persistent; it is unfailing; it defends. This children’s home is a place that exemplifies such.
We spent the following days just being able to be in their space. It was an incredible opportunity to be the Father’s hands and feet. The majority of the time I felt the Lord calling me to intercede for whatever child entered into my space. Even the ones that came with little punches and other things flying towards my head. This beautiful, autistic girl grabbed a hold of me and I instantly felt overwhelmed by the Lord’s heart for her. Fearfully and wonderfully made I spoke over her perfect, little self again and again.
Weeks prior to this ministry, I was journaling asking the Lord what I should pray over for that specific day. The word orphanage kept coming to my mind; little did I know our ministry host the next week would tell us that we would be traveling to an orphanage. The Lord had these children in mind way before we even set foot into that city. The world would label them as forgotten, yet the Lord calls them His. He fathers the Orphan; He is the Best Father. Once we stepped through the little blue gate surrounding this home, I immediately felt His Presence reminding me of the prayer written in my journal; it was for this place. As Dori showed us around the home, I noticed a picture hanging on the wall (the photo just above this paragraph). It is almost identical to the cover of my prayer journal. I stood in astonishment. I know this was a small thing. But, the Lord so kindly reminded me through it that He hears; He knows.
The word was whispered again, enduring.
“Kel, My word and my love are enduring. They will never fail.“
1 Peter 1:25 “The Word of the Lord endureth for ever.”
Father, Thank you for being our Hope. Thank you for being the Light in this dark world. Thank you for fathering every orphan. Thank you for Dori and such a Holy Space on this earth. Thank you for your ENDURING LOVE.
Yout Beloved, kel