Here I am in the jungles of Honduras.
That is right friends! My squad will be in Honduras for the next two months.We are having an all squad month meaning all forty-two of us are together doing ministry in the same place.
As I write this, I am sitting in my tent in the middle of somewhere (I don’t even know). Every now and again I shine my light around a little paranoid by the spiders and other lovely creatures who have been trying to inhabit my tent. Cicadas are everywhere, and I am certain they could take over the world if they desired too. WHEN I SAY JUNGLE I do mean jungle. It took us an hour from the city of Camayaua to get up the mountain to our camping cite. And, then we found out they had just two weeks prior to our arrival whacked down the forest and created the “tenting ground” which is now our home. It is rainy season; there is no electricity, no service, 1 bathroom, and it takes a hour before you can get to any type of civilization.
You probably are asking what could we possibly be doing out here.
Our purpose for being here is to help a sweet family build a church for the community. Our days are long and require much manual labor. We have thus far carried heavy, wooden planks up the mountain; used machetes to chop bamboo; built benches and chairs, and worked on bettering the space we have here in the middle of this Honduran mountain.
I am not going to lie to you, I do not love it. It will definitely be a very trying two months for Kel. Yet, God has given me His peace that truly does pass all understanding (Ephesians 4:7). He has reminded me that He is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
ALSO, a sweet tidbit ..there is COFFEE! Which is definitely helping keep me sane. It is grown here and roasted in the sun on a mettle sheet; the Honduran people are so sweet to serve it to us all throughout our days.
God, thank you for bringing us safely here to Honduras.
Thank you for continuing to take me further and further from the comfort I cling too.
Draw me and my team so near to You through this time.
May all glory, honor, and praise be to YOU alone.
Your Beloved, kel
Hi Kelsey,
I will continue to keep you and your team in my prayers. I pray for health and safety, peace, comfort and strength for you as you build this church for God’s glory.love you
Thank you so much for your prayers, Mrs. Dove! Praying for peace and God’s goodness over you today. So thankful for your prayers!