The Gospel is not about us. It is for us, but not about us. In John 3, we find the infamous verse that most of us can recite John 3:16.
John 3:16-17 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.”
Verses of few words but withholding the simple, beautiful truth of the gospel. In this same chapter, a few verses below we find, ”He must increase, but I must decrease (vs. 30).” John is saying basically that he will happily become less.
A song that has been my squad’s anthem is “glory to glory”. I love this song! Every time that I listen to it I get so hype. However recently while it played in my headphones, I felt convicted. In this song we find the words, “WE go from glory to glory; never will WE be the same.” Completely opposite of what John says in verse 30. John says, “GOD must increase; I must decrease.” Now, I do not write this to say this is an evil song. I don’t question the intent of the song in any manner; however, because of scripture I do know that our words hold power. Death and life are in the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). I write this to protect our hearts. I believe the devil gains tiny footholds as this all throughout because he knows he is no match for our Lord’s glory.
Unknowingly, we set ourselves up for failure. It is not about us going from glory to glory. It is ALL about Glorifying our Father. I had a sweet one on one with my teammate, Ashton, a few weeks ago. We talked about how both of our hearts have been burdened by the “worship music” we listen too. Most of them make us feel good, but how many are truly praising the Lord? Now, have I stopped listening to them? No, I am listening to the song “glory to glory“ right now as I write this; but, I will make it a discipline every day that my heart is postured to become less and to glory the Father.
It is only human to want to be more. But then, we look to Jesus. Philippians 2:7 “But He made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men..”
AGHHH! Righteously I am angry at myself as I read this. Jesus made himself of NO REPUTATION; Jesus, Savior of the world, took the form of a SERVANT!
The Christian life is not a life lived where we go from glory to glory in this world , friends. I listened to a sermon recently describing this warm and fuzzy Christianity being “Caffeinated-Christianity”. Boy, did this resonate with Kel, who is most days caffeinated. Sadly this is the Christianity I see most of the time. I see within myself and my squad, as we approach the end of the race. We become anxious over what is next..what are my next steps; where should I live; what should I do now. These are all valid thoughts and questions. All of these questions we should ask the Lord and use our God-given discernment and spend much time praying through them. But, I do ask myself, why do I get anxious? The Gospel, that is ALWAYS what is next..sharing it wherever we go, with whomever we meet. It is all for the gospel.
I know we get so overwhelmed with the endless possibilities and all the needs; that is only human too. Yet, we see the disciples in scripture receive the great commission, and they go. They go during a time when they get thrown into prison and their heads chopped off. I see Christians receiving the Gospel today, and we sit. We sit in our pews comfortably; we sit in coffee shops unbothered by the poverty; we stay when there is not much cost to go.
This I wholeheartedly am saying to myself; I am caffeinated. I sit too long many of times, even while I am across the world in a different country. I found myself a couple days ago sitting in a coffeeshop in Albania. My favorite place to have my quiet time with the Lord and to buy a $1.70 cappuccino. I am going to fall in the floor when I go back to the states, and my coffee is over $5.00! Any who, as I sat there a man came to ask for change. I gave him the same as my coffee cost, but looking back to that moment I had something so much better to give him. It is only the Lord who saves, but the Bible calls us His ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20).
When is the last time you shared the good news, the gospel?
I believe this question will reveal if we are just living caffeinated or if we are living proof of the Gospel. God’s Word says that the Christian life will be full of suffering for this world is an enemy of the Lord.
James 4:4 “Know ye not that the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”
Let us not live to just feel good. He must Increase; I must decrease.
Jesus, I pray the devil has no foot hold today; may all glory be to You. I pray that my life is not just lived caffeinated, but that it is living proof of Your great Love.
Your beloved, kel
Humble writings! Its all about Him. Joh 3:30 is my favourite verse in The Gospels!! May you master this verse more and more during your journey! Was great to meet you Kelsey. Keep on writing!!