Sweet moments and chocolate.
The kids of this village have completely stole my heart in just the short week we have been in Albania. I believe children truly carry the essence of how heaven is meant to be; of course, none of us know, because it far surpasses our own understanding. However, when I see children running around freely, belly laughing, and in pure bliss over chocolate..it just gets me tingling because I feel as if heaven is so close; I know Holy Spirit is.
The VBS we have had in this village has been a little pocket of heaven on earth. Hearing the children speak of Jesus and quote John 3:16 in their native tongue brings me to tears. There is power in the name of Jesus, and here in a little village outside of Fier is a group of kids shouting it out.
My teammate, MK, and I have been running in the mornings through the village. Without fail every morning our sweet little friends will run out after us with the biggest hugs and cheeriest smiles when we passed their homes. These encounters from the children made me start to ponder how I come to the Father everyday.
Do I approach the Lord’s Throne in such a way?
Unashamed, arms held high, hands wide open, eyes full of wonder, fully trusting, wholeheartedly loving Him.
Jeremiah 29:13 “And ye shall seek me and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”
I urge you to ask yourself, How are you approaching God’s Throne today?
Are we approaching out of habit? Out of comfort? Out of tendency? Out of want?
It is easy to fall into routine; it is easy to come when we are in need; it is easy to come when we are fallen and broken. But, what about the other times? Are we wholeheartedly just loving and seeking after the Lord?
Friends, we have complete access to the throne of God. I dont know about you, but I long to greet the Father every day as these kids simply greeted us. Maybe not physical, but I desire for it to be the posture of my heart to my Father.
Jesus, Thank you for the complete access we have every moment of every day to You.
Thank you for the grace that covers us; as some days, we come out of routine, out of selfishness, out of want…and not just to worship and be in Your Presence, Father.
Lord, I pray to come to You every day unashamed as these little children. I pray to never take for granted what we have because of You, Jesus.
Your Beloved, kel
Thank you for the thought provoking questions in your dialogue.
Thank You! Thank you for the support and prayers! All is made Possible because of your helping hands!
“How do I come to the Father everyday?” That question is GOOD to think about! ALSO you’re so close to being fully funded, HA you ain’t going home sucker, HYPE