“The more faith you have the more specific your prayers will be.”
Recently I read the above quote in a book about prayer; it got me. In Matthew 20:29-34, Jesus has compassion for these two blind men. I read this passage in awe with the way it goes down. These men cry out to Jesus to have mercy upon them. Jesus knew these men; he knew they were blind; yet in verse 32, He asks basically, “What do you want from me?” He does this I imagine in a very gently tone with compassion-filled eyes. Not how most of us would ask this question. Their response to this very pointed, simply-stated question was for their eyes to be opened. Verse 34 says, “So Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him.” This encounter has made me stop to think about if Jesus asked me the same question today. What would my response be? I would like to tell you that I know exactly what I would say; However, before I took the time to journal and sit with the Lord over this question, I did not know. Of-course the simplistic answer, His Will. But then I think of the powerful requests and prayers said by Moses and prayers said by other great men of much faith.
In Exodus 32:9-14, we see Moses interceding for the sinful Israelites before a God that is angry and ready to wipe them out. Moses’s prayer saved the children of Israel who had turned from God.
Also, we find in 1 Kings, Elijiah’s prayers for a drought that changed the course of history. Elijah showed that through his prayers to the God of Israel, that our God was much mightier than the false god, Baal, of this time. James 5:17 tells us that Elijah’s prayer was the cause of this drought. If he had not prayed this prayer the people would still have been worshipping Baal.
I desire for my prayers to be just as powerful and just as fervent not because it is me praying but because I have full faith that the Lord is listening and moving. I desire for my prayers not to just entail cries over my own life, but cries that change other’s lives for eternity. I desire for my prayers not to come from a self-seeking heart, but a God-seeking heart.
James 5:16 says, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availed much.”
So, I ask if all of your prayers were answered today..would it change just your own little world or would it change the world? Would it impact eternity or just the here and now?
At the VBS’s we have hosted in these Albanian villages, I was able to talk to the children about prayer. It was so sweet to talk to little ones about talking to God; my cup was overflowing! Seeing their praying hands be lifted as they bowed their heads truly made my heart leap for joy especially with their outbursts of “hallelujahs and amens”. One of the first days of the VBS we gave them prayer journals. We wrote their name on every journal, and each day we focused on something specific to pray over.
The Lord burdened my heart to share that nothing is too big or too small for Him. As I spoke these words to the children, my own heart broke realizing the power we have simply by crying out the.. Precious Name of Jesus.
Before you face the day today, face the Father.
Jesus, make us fervent in prayer. Thank you for hearing every cry of our hearts; Jesus, You came that we could have direct access to God. THAT IS EVERYTHING! You desire for us to come running to You with everything. Jesus, I pray we lay it all in Your Hands and leave it there. Thank you for reminding me through the little, children’s Hallelujahs of the amazing gift we possess. I pray that You would ignite boldness in our prayer lives. I pray that we would have the faith of Moses and Elijah crying out for Your Will and Kingdom to come.
Your Beloved, Kel
This spoke to me so deeply today!
“if all of your prayers were answered today..would it change just your own little world or would it change the world? Would it impact eternity or just the here and now?”
Convicting. Thank you for highlighting what God is speaking to you!
Very sobering, thought provoking and challenging. Thank you.
Kel!! Yay for prayer journals!! And also thank you for this reminder and these questions. Has me asking myself if I am fervent in prayer and full of faith that matches the vastness of our God. Ugh miss you friend!!!
“Before you face the day today, face the Father.” Such a GOOD reminder!! My own personal prayer life and dedicating time to do that myself has been something I’ve been striving to grow in over this past month. It’s cool to hear the Lord highlighting prayer to others as well! Thanks for sharing these wise words, Kel!
“I desire for my prayers to be just as powerful and just as fervent not because it is me praying but because I have full faith that the Lord is listening and moving.”
DANG, I pray that we would approach the throne with boldness because we know He hears our prayers. Thank you for this sweet encouragement!