Johannesburg, South Africa
We arrived in Johannesburg, South Africa, a little over a week ago now. It has been an absolute joy to be here! We are staying with a Pastor and his family. They have gone above and beyond to welcome us. It is hard to believe that now we only have a week and a half left with this community who has quickly become family. We have done a lot in the short amount of time we have been here; truly I do not know where to begin! As we follow Hendrik, the pastor who has graciously opened his home to us, I imagine it to be the way the disciples followed Jesus around never knowing where they would end up or what miracle would happen next. Hendrik lives his life completely interruptible and always invites others to join the table.
At the beginning of our stay we started helping a ministry to which I cannot pronounce, much less spell the name due to it being Africans (one of the many South-African languages). This ministry is a safe haven for a very poverty-stricken part of South Africa in the slums; the Lord has done wonders through it. They feed the community, provide clothing and other necessities, offer child care, and more that I was just not witness to bear. We have, as well, spent much time with the young adults of Mosaiek; this is the church that we have been serving alongside in Johannesburg. They have welcomed us so well into their young adult gatherings and times of worship. They have graciously opened their homes to us as a place to just have fun and fellowship together. We even were able to travel to a nearby community to help plant trees in order to provide for people’s livelihood. Then the past two days we stayed with an incredible lady who has adopted over 40 children and has been a home for even countless more. We were able to do outreach with their ministry, footprints, in the nearby rural communities and just love on these kids. The ministries here I could go on and on about; the Lord is heavily moving and working through the willing hands and humble hearts of his people.
My favorite part of the ministry here though has not been what we have done, but rather, how the Lord has been invited into everything we have done. Hendrik and Marga (his incredible wife) pray about everything! They truly walk out the story of the Good Samaritan. Even while on the way to a safari (their family took us on our adventure day; how KIND?!) we stopped on the side of the highway to pray over an officer directing traffic and almost every car ride there are multiple people Hendrik calls to have us pray over them. He prays into every space and over every person that enters his space. Their home is a true safe place resembling our Father and His Love extending to every heart.
I encourage you to invite Jesus into your every space today and allow Him to interrupt you. Being interruptible does not mean you run after every holy thing; it is listening and hearing Holy Spirit’s promptings. He is not just a God far and high away; He is a God desperately longing and desiring your heart and your time. And don’t just invite Him along with you; plead with Him to take you along with Him instead.
Luke 10:27 “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.”
Jesus, I invite you into my every space today. I pray and ask that You would make me interruptible for the things You have for me.
Your beloved kel