Yesterday all of a sudden my phone stopped working. I was a bit frustrated to be honest, thinking I will now have to spend the rest of my day at Verizon. Also, I had to find a way to Verizon. Since, we are here in New Jersey without any form of transportation, and the verizon was at least a 15 minute car ride away. However, after looking back at the mere interactions created just on our way to Verizon I truly believe God stopped my phone in order for these divine appointments to happen.
Our Uber driver was a sweet, elderly man who spoke Spanish. He was thrilled to hear that we understood him being that we have spent 5-months in Spanish, speaking countries. He was a Christian and had a mighty faith. Then we make it to Verizon and were in there less than 5 minutes! All they had to do was reset my phone, and it was working fine. Praise God! My friend with me had gone into a store that was next door. She had started talking to this lady who happened to have been to Honduras; the same area my team was in. We were able to talk to her for awhile and share stories from our journey of the Lord’s goodness. Oh! Now, let me tell you about Jorgy. He was our Uber driver that brought us back to the hotel. As soon as I responded to him with ‘SI’, his face lit up. He asked if we spoke Spanish and was so excited to be able to communicate with us. He was from Venezuela and had been in New York for 3 years now. This was the 3rd person we talked about the Lord’s goodness on this random trip to Verizon. Jorgy did not speak much English at all. But, he said and I quote, “God is Good; All the time, God is good.” This brought tears to my eyes, what divine appointments that would not have happened if my phone would not have stopped working. A mere frustration and inconvenience brought so much Kingdom.
What interruptions and inconveniences are before you today?
Who are we ever to question God’s goodness?
Just yesterday I was spending my Sunday afternoon doing laundry at the hotel (Praise God they have a laundry room!). A man walked into the room asking if I had any spare clothes. I explained to him that I did not due to living out of a backpack. Then I shared with him that I was a missionary, and my team was just here for a layover. This man started crying and asked if I would be willing to pray for him. He shared his story and how he had been homeless now for the last year. His pastor was paying for his stay at this hotel, and he was on a journey of trying to get right with the Lord. My heart completely was overwhelmed as I prayed with this man; I felt the Lord draw so near to this little laundry room.
I share this because I have been thinking, man, what a roadblock this has been for my team in order to get to where we are supposed to be. But, really this I know is exactly where the Lord wants us to be. God is always working and moving. And, to think He showed up in a little hotel laundry room in New Jersey because he cares that much for His children!
I want to see God and His goodness everywhere: in the mundane, in the excitement, in the hard times, in the breakthroughs, in merely doing a load of laundry, in every moment of every day.
Matthew 5:8 “Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God.”
The Bible tells us how we see God in Matthew. The Greek word for pure is Katharos. It means to be clean, blameless, unstained from guilt. And, it is so sweet that this word also refers to something being purified by fire. Meaning those who are pure in heart have been declared innocent by Jesus’ blood and are being sanctified by His refining fire. I love this. Because, being pure in heart is a process. It is not a point that we have to reach; it is something we are incapable of reaching in ourselves. It is daily laying down ourselves at Jesus’ feet and giving Him our hearts to refine.
Let’s choose to see Him today. His goodness is all around even in the littlest of things like a laundry room or an uber drive.
Lord, help us to be people that truly seek to see You in all things.
To know and to share of Your goodness.
Thank you for deeming us worthy to serve You, Father.
Your goodness abounds in all things.
Your Beloved, Kel
This is simply beautiful, Kel!! We had a little inconvenience today that definitely turned out to be a blessing in disguise!! Your posts helps me to be aware of inconvenient things and look for opportunities always. I’m rejoicing that you’ve had these great encounters!!
Powerful! Powerful! Yes, God also just provided me with an amazing POWERFUL experience that reinforced how passionate He is about the one. It brought me to tears, just as this did. ??
Awe, you’re so sweet. Thank you so much for reading and sharing. Praying for you girl! Love you lots!
HE IS ABOUT THE ONE! Love that and love you, Angela! It was so good to get to talk to you today! It brightened my morning for sure!