It is the final moments of the race. Our whole squad is spending this last week in Cape Town, South Africa. It is a bitter, sweet week if there ever was one— a lot of last times and a lot of reminiscing over the past 11-months: the weary moments, the moments you never want to end, the moments of growth, and every moment that the Lord has faithfully been present and worked through.
So, I came to sit and to reminisce with Jesus over my favorite times from these months. Something I realized is that the moments I recalled were not the extravagant ones; they were not the ones you would tell to a stranger; they were not the instagram worthy times; they were not the ones you have to travel across the world to find. Instead, they were the moments crafted in the most simplicity with the Father. The moments of complete surrender, the moments around the table with the Word, the moments of worship, the moments where tears fell in the quiet, the moments of restoration, the moments of abiding. Just yesterday I started tearing up at breakfast as my teammate and myself sat at a table reading our Bibles. Nothing astounding, just again, moments spent abiding.
John 15:4 “Abide in me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except that it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me and I in him, the same brings much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.”
Abiding means to simply be, to remain stable, to be fixed in a state. In the same passage of scripture above, I love verse 8, “Herein is my Father glorified.” If we are abiding for any other reason, we have missed it. If we abide just for the fruits (blessings), we have not tasted the sweetest of all blessings which truly is being in the Presence of our Father. And, it is a promise from Him that when we abide, He abides!
One thing I found about myself is that I do not prefer the mountain-tops. The mountain-tops are great, but I would rather choose the ground below. Just the other day we hiked a mountain. Something else I have come to terms with is that when I left in January for the race, I was moderately in shape and, 11-months later that is not the case (there is a season for everything). While taking many breaks in between climbing up rocks, I realized how much my soul loved the journeying. Not because it was easy; it was physically taxing. But because it reminded me of how weak I am. It reminded me, Who carries me and Who has carried me this whole past year. One of my favorite verses is said by Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9, “I will boast in my weaknesses that the power of Christ may rest upon me”. I have learned this year that the most faithful servants of our mighty Father live in the valleys, humbly walking not looking to the mountain-tops and boasting of the mountains, but looking to the Father and boasting of nothing apart from His Name.
Friends, Our greatest joy should come from abiding in Jesus and simply journeying with Him through every moment even the mountain-tops even the valleys even the climbing.
Simple truth. May the truth of John 15:4 be woven into the innermost parts of our heart. As we transition into this next season, this new year, the next day, my prayer is that WE WILL ABIDE.
In Jesus Name,
Your Beloved kel
“…I realized how much my soul loved the journeying.”
The journey is often times just as sweet as the reward/blessing. I love you, Kellybean. Can’t wait to hug you but praying for you & H squad to finish strong
So thankful for your journey and I have enjoyed “going with you.” I an grateful God has been with you as you have traveled and ministered and grew spiritually. Praying for the new opportunities that God will give you as you return home. Love you!