“There is no mountain You won’t climb up..
there is no wall You won’t kick down..
coming after me.
Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God.”
My squad spent Sunday morning worshipping on the mountainside where we are camped. We lifted our voices while sitting on tree limbs in the space that we are building the Lord’s church. The beauty that surrounded us cannot be expressed by words; it is an undeniable testament of the God we serve. This was such a sweet, Holy Spirit filled morning. While singing the above song, the Lord reminded me that we are His hands and feet. He reminded me of His sweet, sweet love that leaves the 99 to go after the 1 (Luke 15:3-7). These people on this mountain is who He is pursuing; He has sent us here just to be his hands and feet.
He has sent us for these people who have lived on this mountain for 30-plus years; people who have homes held together by wet mud and tree limbs; people who live off the land for their livelihood and food; people who have to walk for hours to get to work and only make equivalent to a little over one-dollar per hour; people who are terrified of the rain having had previous disasters left by hurricanes.
My team and I visited some of these homes and prayed over the families.
Pastor Paul and his wife, Tanya, blessed each family that we visited with seeds to grow, as well.
We prayed over this land that the Lord’s favor would shine upon it and bring such a harvest!
The Lord certainly has broke my heart for this mountain. I wonder how many more mountains there are. How many today are lost? How many today need Hope? How many just need to know they are not forgotten?
Our God longs after every beating heart. He longs for the lost to know His heart for them. He longs for them to know He has never left, nor has He forsaken them.
We are not called to bring the righteous, but the sinners to repentance (Luke 5:32).
It is a reckless love that should be daily wrecking us over the many who are living without it.
“I could not earn it, and I do not deserve it..
There is no shadow You won’t light up
No mountain You won’t climb up
No wall You won’t kick down
No lie You won’t tear down..”
Lord, Thank you for Your reckless love that chases after us.
Thank you for leaving the 99 to go after the 1.
Thank you for caring so deeply.
Thank You for being near to every broken space and every hurting heart.
May we just be Your hands and feet to this world that is in need of You.
Spread Your Love like wildfire across this mountainside.
Your Beloved, Kel