“Remember your WHY, Kel”, this is what the Lord has been whispering to me the past few days.
The Lord very much blessed us in Jaco. Honestly, it was as if we never left the U.S. We had showers, clean water, enough beds for our whole team to sleep, coffee shops on every corner, and not to mention the beach within walking distance. I thank God again and again for the beautiful people of Jaco and that time of physically being blessed.
Entering Guatemala
One could tell instantly upon leaving the airport we had entered a new country. Traveling through various hilly-plains in a school bus, We made our way to Antigua. Where our squad stayed for a night before departed ways to our various ministries within Guatemala.
Guate, you are breathtaking.
Antigua, I have never seen anything like it. We spent a lot of our time on the rooftop looking out to the volcanoes surrounding us. Casa de fuego, is truely a little piece of heaven on earth. I thank God for His kindness of letting me experience such a place.
Traveling to Chichicastenango
The next morning my team (The Bread-breakers) along with one other team from our squad traveled two hours away to New Generation church. This is where we will be serving for the next two months right outside of the city of Chichicastenango.
Juan and his beautiful family are our ministry hosts. Juan is the pastor of New Generation church. They are in the process of renovating which is mainly what we will be helping them with the next few weeks.
Arriving at New Generation church was a bit of a culture-shock to be honest. Bucket showers, no filtered water, no way to wash clothes.. We all are sleeping in one room with our sleeping bags and pads together.
We are in the mountains; so, it is very cold especially at night.
However, after hearing from our ministry host’s heart, the Lord did certainly wreck mine. Juan shared with us his vision to serve and to disciple the people of Guatemala no matter what that looked like for him. Juan is a total depiction of a man pursing God’s own heart. I told him that he reminded me of Abraham. This being because Juan is a willing, humble servant of the Lord. Just as Abraham willingly hiked a mountain to offer his son, Isaac, to the Lord; this is how Juan willingly offers his life to the Lord. Juan gave the Lord all the glory for blessing his family with this land, the church, and all they have. His exact words, “That is not my church; that is the Lord’s church.”
Tears flooded my eyes as this God-fearing man reminded me this life is not my own.
My possessions are not mine; they are the Lord’s.
Everything I have; everything I am.. I owe it all to God.
God, thank you for daily reminding me this life is not my own; thank you for continuing to transform my heart and renew my mind into Your likeness; thank you for giving me true vision way beyond self.
I am SO excited to be serving alongside Juan in Chichi! Looking out to the mountains with valleys all around, I am reminded of the Lord’s constant faithfulness. I am so thankful to call this place my home for the next two months.
Guate, you are so loved and your people so beautiful.
Hebrews 12;9 “Our God is a consuming fire.”
Lord, my prayer is short and simple here; Consume us with Your lasting fire that never grows dim.
Your Beloved, Kel
Kelsey, this is so humbling. Thank you for sharing Juan with us. It truly helps me to keep life in its proper perspective. That and continuing to remember that I own NOTHING. It was ALL bought with a precious price, the Blood of Jesus Christ. Thank you for highlighting this section of the world for us. So very humbled.