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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi! It is Kelsey. Call me ‘Kel’.

Recently I have been able to call the Charlotte area of North Carolina my home. I have one of those adventurous souls, but a good book with a cup of coffee brings me home. Throughout my journey it has always been me and mom. She is my ‘Lorelai Gilmore’ (Gilmore Girls reference). My biggest supporter and blessing.

Daily life for me can be summed up to serving people with the very essence that makes my world go around. I am a manager with Starbucks. God also recently opened the door for me to serve as a barista at the best, local coffee shop (yes, biased). A coffee shop that has vision for community and people. For me it has always gone far beyond the cup of coffee, itself. It goes to reaching the soul behind the coffee by offering a smile and kind word when needed, building connections with people, and inevitably letting God’s love pour out. One of the many reasons that I love Our God is He takes our little and uses it for far greater than we can imagine. I believe our purpose in life is to make this great Love known. We refer to this calling to be known as ‘missions’. But you see; Missions is more. Missions is a lifestyle. It could be as simple as loving the person in front of you. Recently, The Lord has burdened my heart to take it a step further. To get outside of my own little world. A world having much love for God but much comfort as well.

I love the life of Paul. Philippians 4:11 Paul writes, “For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” What a faith! One can tell that the Love of God is what compels Paul. I pray for this kind of Faith. In Ephesians 6:19-20 Paul continues to say, “that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel. For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.” Paul is imprisoned here. Yet, his prayer is for the continuation of the gospel to go forth. What a Kingdom Builder! I pray that the love of God truly compels me toward this kind of faith in my life. The kind of faith that continues on despite all else. It can’t stop. It won’t stop regardless of how daunting the task or how uncertain the circumstances.

I fail daily. But what a forgiveness the Lord offers when we come to Him. It breaks my heart that there are people who cannot even fathom such love. This is what drives me to missions. A couple years ago God blessed me with a wonderful team and opportunity to share the gospel throughout Peru. My team and I were ministering by teaching English to Peruvian children. This occasion that I am about to share will forever be engraved in my mind. The children all so eager for us had scrap papers and pencils which they held. All they wanted was a mere signing of our name. The joy on their faces once the papers had been signed… baffled me. It broke me. Something so very insignificant meant the world to these kids. This moment always leads me to think of how much I take for granted on a day to day basis. Warm showers, clean clothing, a bowl of cereal……Things I have grown so complacent too would in the hands of another come to bring a joyous celebration.

There is a whole world outside of our own. There are people broken merely looking for a hope. The Hope that I have been blessed with daily. This World Race is an opportunity to extend so much of that very Hope. It is an 11-month mission. My team will be launching this coming January of 2021 and will not return until late November of 2021. The World Race is not just a mission’s trip, but rather a journey to send out ambassadors for His Kingdom. My team and I will partner with churches and ministries all throughout Africa and Asia to bring the restorative hope of our God. We will minister to Eswatini where a HIV/AIDS epidemic has orphaned thousands of children. We will continue out through Zambia, Zimbabwe, Nepal, and Ethiopia where the Hope of a Savior is so desperately needed. Then endeavoring to parts of Asia heavily influenced by Buddhism and Muslim religions. I will need a tent. No, I have never purchased a tent in my life. This tent will be my home for 11 months. I will be leaving behind many comforts. There will be many challenges and fears along this journey. My biggest challenge I am facing now is fundraising.

 By April of 2021, I will need to have raised $18,000. This cost covers the expenses of the 11 months in full.

When I first came to see this grand total, fear stopped me dead in my tracks. I prayed. I prayed….& I prayed some more. I believe in God. I believe in His Power. I believe He is the Creator and Sustainer of this life. He is so Good. He has never forsaken me. Hebrews 13:5 states, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” So, why am I here doubting You, Lord. You have prompted me to say ‘Yes’ to this journey, and I know it is far beyond myself. So, here I am placing my full Faith and trust in God. Knowing if this be His Will, He will see it through.

I will be making bracelets that you may purchase to help my fundraising journey. With each donation I plan to carry a bracelet to an orphaned child. Looking back on my previous trip I remember wishing I had more to give these little children. With your giving I will be filming a personal ‘thank you’ from the child for your care towards them and your helping hands in this mission. Helen Keller says, “Life is an exciting business and most exciting when lived for others.”

The one thing I covet is your prayers. I realize God speaks to us in so many ways and lays specific needs on each of our hearts. If you are led by God to be a part of this journey with me all I ask is that you pray for Him to move….to move hearts for His Kingdom. And also, I ask that you pray for those of us led on this journey to be merely a voice in these wildernesses. A voice for the Holy Spirit to show and to make known the great Love of Our Father.


This is My Hope and My Prayer:

“If I lost it all would my hands stay lifted to the God who gives and takes away?

If you take it all this life You have given still my heart would sing to You, Lord.”

So, here is my “Yes”. I recklessly abandon self. Holding Nothing back For Your Kingdom.


Your Beloved,


One response to “Recklessly Abandoned”

  1. Phil 4:11 was the exact verse God used to comfort and challenge me during our decade on the mission field. I’m so glad God’s Word is still compelling His church to step OUT boldly and LOVE extravagantly.

    I’m excited for you, Kelsey!