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Talking to one of my amazing teammates here recently brought to such light exactly how I myself have been feeling. Well perhaps better to say… grieving.

Grief is defined as, “deep sorrow especially caused by the end of life.”

The grief I have been feeling is not necessarily a bad grief. The good kind you experience when you are about to step into a new season of unfamiliarity that brings excitement. I am grieving the people and the life in which I will be leaving behind for 11 months come January; But, I count this feeling of grief as joy. God has blessed me so greatly in this season it is hard to move forward. I believe God just keeps getting better day after day even as our human frames diminish. I am so excited to continue to revel in His goodness whether that be in a new sunrise, a new culture, a new soul, or just a quiet space. My point being wherever He leads, Our God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

We have all grieved this year. Some much more deeply than others. Grief that has broken, shocked, and has left hearts still aching. I urge you to not hide the tears and to not try to quickly move along the process. You had something so beautiful that the loss of it completely shattered you; it happens, and if it has not it will. We live in a world full of temporary things. When Paul says he counts it all joy I don’t think he was referring to jumping up and down through the encounter of trouble and the infringe of heartache. As silly as that may sound, I know it has been what I have thought in the past. Paul’s perspective of this life was truly seen through the eyes of God; He had his eyes so fixed on God and the eternal. He knew even through the pain and the tears there was still Hope for tomorrow.

Where are your eyes fixed today? The pleasures of tomorrow? God to bless your today? or Are we longing for eternity with Our Father?

When we look at grief through the eyes of God it does not make the process any easier, but surely it makes us aware of how blessed we have been and are with this life that is but a vapor.

Grief of even the small things this year has taught me how fragile life is; how precious every moment truly is the good, bad, and ugly.

Don’t take today for granted, friends. Be all where God has you.

Psalm 136 the Psalmist declares at the end of every verse the steadfastness of the Lord’s mercies and love. Read it! It is one of those Woah, God!-passages.

Thankful that through every season and in every place our God’s character is unwavering. I am always longing for stability. Pretty hard to find in this temporary life; but He has been teaching me through and through___He is just that. God is my stability.

 Thank You, God for being my Stable Place.

I pray you run into His shelter today.

I pray you hold onto His promises today.

I pray you live in every moment today with eyes completely open to His goodness.

I pray you take heart today for He loves you.

He has gone to prepare a stable place for you with Him for eternity.


One response to “Stable Place”

  1. Kelsey Corns you incredible human! I am continually more and more impressed by the character and wisdom God has blessed you with. I can’t wait to learn from you this year! This is so similar to what I feel like God has been walking me through lately! Thanks for your vulnerability and honesty! One of the cool things about this is that we have each other and none of us have to walk through this alone. I’m praying over you friend and our team