
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Ministry update.

This weekend my team traveled to Casa de Gloria; this was about a 4-hour trip from where we are in Chichi. We traveled to do ministry with a church on the other side of Guatemala City (the capital of Guatemala).

We arrived Saturday afternoon and did street ministry with their youth later that afternoon. We started off by walking to the nearest town a little over a mile away from the church. The youth at Casa de Gloria astounded me with their boldness to present and make the gospel known in these streets: some sung worship songs, some held signs, and others passed out food.

The group I was with went from door to door with tracks. Daymari was the name of one of the girls in my group. As she asked each individual if scripture could be read over them, I would intercede in prayer. Word for word from God’s Word, Daymari would read. Daymari is only 10 years old; her kindness and intentionality showing the love of our Father brought me to tears.

It was a beautiful experience to see our teams come together. Though a very present language barrier laid between us, God’s Word and prayer never returns void.

It led me to ponder how loosely we hold scripture..

God’s love letter written to us.

Colossians 3:16 “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”

Psalm 119:105 “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

Think of how many times we allow the things of this world to distract and lead us. Even good things can hinder our walk with the Father. Maybe today it is your goals, your work, your business, your dreams, your friends..

I encourage you to not let anything take precedence over God and His Word. I long for the verses above to be said of my life..that Word of God dwells in me richly and is truly the light for my path. 

It is so easy to let our emotions and feelings guide us. Our joy bopping up and down with them from day to day due to the circumstances which surround us.

Yet, when our joy is deeply rooted in God and the truth of His Word.. we are able to proclaim Philippians 4:11 over any day over any trial, ”for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”

Is God’s Word and His truth directing your path today?


 Father, thank you for showing your love and light through Your children.

Thank you for sweet Daymari and the light she is of Your Love.

Lord, I long for Your Word to dwell richly within me.

Help us today to cling to the Hope of Your calling.

May Your Truth be what leads and directs us.

Thank you for Your Love Letter.

Your Beloved, Kel.

2 responses to “Whatsoever state I am in, I am content.”

  1. I love how quickly you struck a friendship with these sweet youth we got to do ministry with!!