It breaks my heart to think of how many times I have told God ‘no’.
Undeniably, I am sure I did so today.
How many times I have just been caught up in ‘my own little world’.
Our souls are so prone to distractions.
Even here on the race though in a whole other country, we still can be caught up in our own little worlds. We put the focus on ourselves.
“How can I show up today”.
“What can I do today.”
“What will they think of me.”
“What can I do to receive good feedback from my teammates.”
When that is just it; It is not about us at all, friends. It is all about the Father. May all glory, honor, and praise be given to His Name alone.
Philippians 1:21 “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”
“To die is gain” What a powerful statement! This world is not our home!
I pray that you are living for eternity today. Daily dying to self; bearing your cross and following Him. Laying down all selfish ambition for Godly affection.
Throughout the the Bible Jesus goes out of His way to lift up the orphan, the widow, the foreigner, the outcast, the poor.
Jesus was interruptible.
Kenny and Avery in the above photo were completely interruptible. This day our teams had been cleaning and reconstructing yet another city park in Jaco. These girls stopped the task at hand to care and love on these sweet brothers and sisters who came to play at the park. A sweet moment captured giving us a glimpse of how our Savior truly lived everyday.
Jesus lived a life of inconvenience.
In Matthew 14 we find the feeding of the five thousand. Just prior to this miracle, Jesus had heard the news of John the Baptist being killed. We read Jesus mourning the death of his dear beloved (vs.13), yet when Jesus saw the crowds (vs. 14) the text says He had compassion and started healing their sick. I am sure this was not convenient timing in any way; yet Jesus saw and acted immediately on the need.
Jesus laid down His life that we may have life in Him abundantly.
At the very least we should be willing daily to lay down the life that has been so freely given to us by our loving Father.
I pray that Jesus has the throne of our hearts today and everyday.
I pray for us to have the eyes of our Savior.
I pray we are interruptible and have a ‘YES’ in our spirits.
I pray for us to truly get OUTSIDE OF OUR OWN LITTLE WORLDS.
Your Beloved, Kel
Amen and Amen
Often guilty as well as I try not to be. Thanks forbuourbfullbtransparency. Thats how we grow, right? But I can’t fathom your being selfish. I will remember- interruptions. May I be more like Jesus. Thanks Kelsey!
I miss you so much, my prayer warrior! I was just telling someone the other day how thankful I was for you!
Praying for you and mom! SO good to hear your encouraging words!
KATI! Thank you for your encouragement and being there for us!
Roger! So good to hear from you!
Thank you for your prayers and continual support! Love you!
That PRAYER!! Yes, Lord!