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Life is quite comical for Kel most often. 

Thank God for His help, His strength, and the coffee.

My team and I love our sweet ministry host and his family; I have already told you prior to this about our living conditions. We only have two weeks left here in Chichi. Can you believe it!? A part of me feels as if we just arrived. My heart breaks over the thought of leaving behind the loveliness that is Guatemala. Yet, my heart is overwhelmed with the goodness that our Lord has brought me to experience in this beautiful place. 

I would like to invite you into some of the “fun” moments from the past few weeks. My teammate likes to put it this way.. “Kel is having another fit.” Meaning I have let the little inconvenience of some unfortunate happening get the best of me. 

Fit #1: On our way to Casa de Gloria (read about this ministry we partnered with in previous blog) last weekend we stopped at this gas station which happened to have a little hole in the wall coffee shop with the most delightful looking doughnuts; this immediately brought myself to be completely elated! When we arrived at Casa de Gloria, I happened to leave the box of doughnuts unattended which led to a feast for the 100 or so ants that found it. 


Fit #2: There are many trees surrounding our ministry’s host home here in Chichi. I along with my other teammates use these paths leading to the main road as an opportunity to get some exercise. The path is rocky with many ups and downs. It absolutely got the best of me the other day as I was running..leaving my leg looking as if I have leprosy or some sort of other disease. I had to (oh so humbly) admit to a stranger when he asked me what happened that I took a tumble while running .


Fit #3: While rummaging through my things, I found a scorpion behind my bag. This one still makes me cringe. I have since been rolling myself up in my blanket pretty similar to a burrito giving me little to no room for breathing. 


These are such minor inconveniences which now I am laughing about.

Actually, no, still not laughing about the scorpion. 

 Friends, how many times do we let the little things get the best of us?

I know for me it is always the little things. I listened to a podcast recently about these little things that we give power too. LetsBeCleere Podcast by Cleere Cherry Reeves is my absolute favorite. She touches on the fact that weeds grow in our heart wherever we give them room to grow just as they do in life. 

What little weeds are keeping you from experiencing the fullness of our God today?


Matthew 12:34For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.”

Man, what a good scripture to expose us to those weeds needing to be yanked out! 

Have you felt frustration recently? Have you lost it? Have you given power to the little inconveniences of the day and allowed them to steal your joy? 

Well its time, friends. Let’s get that joy back and yank those weeds out!

Every day will bring with it its own basket of inconveniences and troubles; I long to give the devil no room in these moments.

Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of a good report. If there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things.”


The further we lean into Jesus, the greater we walk in His righteousness. 

Hand over your little to the Lord today. 

Take the little steps; do the next right thing.

And, no worries if you end up in a frenzy or have a fit every now and then. It happens to the best of us. There is much grace.

Lord, make me aware of the little weeds I carry with me. I long for the devil to have no foothold. Holy Spirit, come and fill every space. 

Show me what truly matters. 

Touch my heart; don’t let me stray.

I long to just stay where You are.

I place my little along with everything else in Your hands today.

Have Your absolute way.

Your Beloved, Kel 



3 responses to “Scorpions, Falls, and Ants.. Oh MY.”

  1. WOW! So powerful like. Eric has left the Good Drip. He will be married May 29th. Yah.

  2. Thank you for that!. So good. Thank you and miss you, but love how very much you are getting out of this POWERFUL experience.