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Who am I? 

That You would think of me among a million stars shining in the night

Who am I?

That You would call me Yours and offer up Your all to just save my life.

Who am I?

We often “ooo and ahhhh” over others. I love media, yet I very much dislike it too. We all know the negative connotations that facebook, instagram, pinterest and all of those can have on us. We have spent hours filtering, editing, making everything seem “perfect”, or lately, the trend is being real and raw, right? We judge the validity of moments by the likes, shares, and comments they receive. We compare; we assess; we assume; we measure. We long to be liked, to be trendy, to be ‘known’. 

I am not writing this blog to try to persuade you on whether media is right or wrong. We all know just as anything there is good and bad which stems from it; everything in life needs to have a balance (for more about that balance read the Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer).

And with that I am going to jump to my reasoning for mentioning such. That last phrase said.. we long to be ‘known’.

I love when a person takes their time to get to know me, to ask me questions, and shares with me their own desires and interests. When we truly love someone we rightfully should have this desire to know them.

Yet, I long to burn with a deeper desire and fiery passion for the Lord to be known. 

My desire is for my words and everything that I accomplish in this life to lead you to our Father and His love for you.

I am nothing… 

If I ever have come across as if I am something other than God’s something, I sincerely and truly from my heart want to apologize.

There have even been people who have “ooo’d and ahhh’d“ over this race which honestly stirs something inside of me that I cannot put into words.

Yes, this race is what the Lord brought me to, and in obedience to Him I am now in Guatemala with my team; this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and coming from a heart completely humbled I am beyond thankful. I have previously shared my reasons for WR, and truly I have learned so much. I have felt the Father taking me further and further out of my boat (comfort) with Him every day. I did leave behind many comforts and many sweet loved ones. But also, I am so tremendously blessed. I am not being persecuted, and I get to live everyday with my full attention on the Kingdom.

It is not a thing to “ooo and ahhh” over. Our God is THE THING to “ooo and ahhh over” this is His creation, His people, His Kingdom!

Asaph proclaims in Psalm 73:25, “There is nothing upon earth that I desire besides Thee, Lord.”  I long for this fully, devoted heart to our Father that Asaph possessed. May Holy Spirit stir our hearts until we can utterly say, “there is nothing I desire besides You, God.”

I wish I could go back to my younger self and tell her many things; I continue to thank God for His provision and bringing me to the place I am today with Him.

I wish I could go back and tell her this: Comparison is the thief of joy. This life is not your own; the Father above has given you everything you have. Unless you return those blessings to His Hands they are useless and very much empty. He longs for you not to do this out of duty, but because you know the love He has for you. 

Comparison is such a tool the enemy uses, friends. It breaks our Father’s heart. He made You so uniquely and beautifully in His image. (Psalm 139:14)

We wont stop living our life to be known until we truly are living each day abundantly in the Lord’s Love.

That is right; It is not just about knowing the love the Lord has for you; I’m sure we all have heard and seen “Jesus loves you” a numerous amount of times.

But, do you truly live like you are loved?

When you do, you can’t help but lay down yourself, your desires, your hopes and put them all at our loving Father’s feet with a heart saying, “Have my life; have Your absolute way Lord; Thy will be done; Thy Kingdom come.”

Asaph continues to say in vs. 25, that the Lord is the strength of his heart and his portion forever.

Because you see, friends, God’s Love is everything; He is Enough. 


Lord, remove the lies which defeat us;

 Bring us to our knees until it is only You that we rely on;

Help us to walk in Your Truth and to live abundantly in Your Love.

Put a burning desire in our hearts to truly make You and You alone, Lord,  known.

Your Beloved, Kel

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