
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

You are found in the simplicity of every moment, God.

You are there in the sunrise as the day takes off and the coffee is brewing.

You are there as the joyous moments come.

You are there in the midst of that tough spot as the heaviness seems unbearable.

You are there as we go about our busy to do lists.

You are there as we find ourselves overwhelmed and frustrated.

You are there as the deep pain of grief seeps.

You are there as we wrestle and are puzzled by unknowns.

You are there as each season changes.

God, You are there.

God, You are here.


 The reality of “God with us” has hit me harder within the past few months than it has ever before. 

God, You are so close. You are right here. You are always here; (John 16:7 “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.)

Therefore, I will always be okay! No matter where the day leads, no matter what the road ahead has in store..

My God, You will meet me there.

 Philippians 1:21 “For me to live is Christ; to die is gain.”

This statement Paul makes here in Philippians just ‘WOWS‘ me every time. True living is Christ.

Hey! Let that take hold of you today. True living is Christ!


He laid down His life for you, dear child;

He made a way when there was absolutely no way.

So, I put every care, every hurt, every desire, every need into His Hands..

Despite my feelings, despite my worries, despite my longings..

That is daily dying to self.

Laying it all down; Trusting our God.


God, You are so trustworthy. Do you believe that about our God? 

Every time I catch myself worrying or concerned, I hear that His still, small voice saying..

”Kel, do you trust me? Do you believe I Am who I say I Am.” (Exodus 3:14)

God, I know You; You are so good. I continuously will thank you for this sweet time in Jaco and just how present You have been here with us.


Meet Alejandra! from the fruit stand! She is full of joy and just has a lovely heart. Being greeted by Alejandra after a hot day of ministry work has been such a sweet blessing. She is in the process of learning English; It has been fun to learn from her as she learns from us, and the fruit here is amazing!

Meet Oscar! He makes my favorite bohio-style cold brew! It has been sweet meeting people in different cultures and countries who share similar passions as the Lord has given me.

Meet some of the sweet youth from Horizon church! We have loved serving and being a part of the youth group. We thank them for coming out to help us with tackling this mural that our team has worked so hard to create in the park of Jaco.

Meet Hannah! She is our mighty warrior of a ministry host. I have said this before, but Jesus just pours out of her. We love her so much, and we are so sad to be leaving her. It has been the sweetest serving alongside Hannah for the Kingdom.

There are many others who we will miss in Jaco; These dear friends will hold a special place in my heart as we leave for our team’s debrief. But, also super stoked for what the Lord has ahead and expectant of His Goodness !



Lord, remind us there is nothing to prove today, yet everything to give.

I pray to lay it all down daily.

I pray though I am mighty in Christ (Romans 8:31 “If God be for us, who can be against us“) My life is lived on my knees in utter dependence on the Father.

God, You are so sovereign and before all things.

I pray as we enter into every season this life brings even the next moment of today, we remember..

To Live Is Christ.  


2 responses to “To Live Is Christ”

  1. WOW!

    I found myself getting emotional as I read your post and saw the beautiful people you were able to impact and those who have impacted you.

    Life changing, right? Absolutely life altering and the ripple effects will become more clear when you stand before Jesus. I believe you all have impacted generations!


  2. WOW!

    I found myself getting emotional as I read your post and saw the beautiful people you were able to impact and those who have impacted you.

    Life changing, right? Absolutely life altering and the ripple effects will become more clear when you stand before Jesus. I believe you all have impacted generations!